Do you love Fantastic Beasts and the NIFFLER? This easy tutorial will teach you how to make your very own adorable Niffler.
All you need is sewing skills, scissors, a Niffler image (highly recommended),black, white, and peach fabric, a needle, stuffing, thread, hot glue (optional), and a penny (optional). It's a very simple tutorial so you can elaborate if you want!
Let's start our Niffler!
STEP 1: Gather all the required materials.
STEP 2: Cut out the Niffler from the (paper) image and place it on the black fabric.
STEP 3: Cut around the paper Niffler on the fabric .
STEP 4: Repeat with a second piece of black fabric.
STEP 5: Trace a pocket shape for the pouch on the black then sew it onto the middle of one of the black Niffler shapes.
STEP 6: Cut out a small black circle and a teensy white shape for the eye.
STEP 7: Sew the white shape onto the black circle.
STEP 8: Sew the eye onto the side of the Niffler's head like on the picture above.
STEP 9: Sew the pouch onto the Niffler's belly. Don't forget to leave an opening at the top for the coins!
STEP 10: Sew the two Niffler parts together but leave an opening for stuffing.
STEP 11: Stuff the Niffler to capacity so it looks "fat and smug".
STEP 12: Close the opening for the stuffing.
STEP 13: Cut out 4 little ovals for the hands and feet.
STEP 14: Sew the hands and feet on!
STEP 15 (optional): Hot-glue a penny onto the Niffler's hand so it looks like your Niffler found something!!
ALL DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know, Jessica, you can write a post because you're a member!
I have now, it's in the Real Projects Gallery.
Hi! Are you going to post a picture of your Niffler soon? I know I’ve seen it, but it would be cool to see it on the website!
Hi! Have you seen my message?
Hello! I will try it soon, after I finish leadership team posters! See you Sunday!